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n. 1) employer, in the area of law known as "master and servant," which more properly should be called employer and employee. 2) a person, supposedly with special expertise, appointed by a judge to investigate a problem (such as whether a parent's home is appropriate for child visitation) and report...
master and servant
n. the body of law, including statutes and legal decisions which are precedents, which relates to the relationship of an employer and employee.
special damages
n. damages claimed and/or awarded in a lawsuit which were out-of-pocket costs directly as the result of the breach of contract, negligence or other wrongful act by the defendant. Special damages can include medical bills, repairs and replacement of property, loss of wages and other damages which are...
special master
n. a person appointed by the court to carry out an order of the court, such as selling property or mediating child custody cases. A "special" master differs from a "master" in that he/she takes positive action rather than just investigating and reporting to the judge.

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications