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n. 1) in a criminal case, the specific statement of what crime the party is accused (charged with) contained in the indictment or criminal complaint. 2) in jury trials, the oral instructions by the judge to the jurors just before the jury begins deliberations. This charge is based on jury instructio...
v. 1) to perform one's duties. 2) to dismiss someone from a job. 3) to pay one's debts or obligations. 4) in bankruptcy, to issue an order of the court that all debts (with certain statutory exceptions) are forgiven and need not be paid.
discharge in bankruptcy
n. an order given by the bankruptcy judge, at the conclusion of all legal steps in processing a bankrupt person's assets and debts, which forgives those remaining debts which cannot be paid, with certain exceptions. Debts for fraudulent or illegal actions, alimony and child support and taxes are not...
v. 1) to charge more than a posted or advertised price. 2) to file a criminal complaint for crimes of greater degree than the known facts support, in an effort by the prosecutor to intimidate the accused.
public charge
n. a general term for an indigent, sick or severely handicapped person who must be taken care of at public expense.
n. an additional charge of money made because it was omitted in the original calculation or as a penalty, such as for being late in making a payment.

The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications